
All The Services Your Business Needs to Grow Your Sales Online

A Complete Suite of Online Marketing Services

We have brought together a full suite of services to ensure you have all the services you need to automate your business and grow it online.

So you can focus your time on what matters most: growing your bottom line!

Sales & Marketing Strategy

We work with you to understand where you are at right now, what you want to achieve and create a customized online sales & digital marketing strategy for you and automate and systemize your business operations to go with it.


We will create an amazingly beautiful, technologically advanced website that works perfectly on desktops, tablets and mobiles, so you can impress your new visitors from word go and use the site to generate new work and grow your bottom line.

Get Found Online First! (SEO)

We all know the holy grail of being found online is the first page of Google. We work with you to analyze your competition and get ahead of them in the climb to the top of the 1st page of Google (and other sites).

Google Ads

We use Google ads to help you get immediate leads, then using our CRM automations, turn them into customers and clients with the least time involvement needed from you.

Facebook / Instagram Ads

Facebook and Instagram are where everyone spends their time these days, so if you want to get customers, they are a great place to do so. We help you leverage these two platforms to grow your business.

TikTok Ads

TikTok is the new kid on the block and is taking the social media world by storm. Not many companies are using this platform yet so there is a lot of room to get in early and claim your position early.

LinkedIn Ads

This is the place to be for business owners and people looking for business related content. By advertising on LinkedIn we will help you get in front of the business decision makers to win their business.

Grow Your Online Presence

Business is all about relationships. And in today's world, it's essential to build a relationship with your clients and potential clients online by building and growing your online presence so you are who they think of when they need your service. We help you do that.

Celebrity / Influencer Marketing

Celebrities and influencers are kings and queens of Instagram and it's now very effective to get these celebrities and influencers to promote your brand to their followers. And we know where to find them and strike a deal with them for you.

Online Listings

The more websites you are listed with, the more clients you will get. And Google's search ranking algorithm loves it when your website is getting linked to from lots of highly respected sites. We help you get listed on all these sites so you become the go to business in your area and climb to the top of Google.

Online Reviews & Reputation Management

Word of mouth and referrals is where most businesses get their clients. And online reviews is the online version of that. We help you generate reviews from your past customers and interact with them on dozens of review websites so your potential clients can get social proof of how awesome you are.

Social Media Management

The world spends most of their online time on social media. And for you to get in front of new potential customers and to stay top of mind with your existing clients, you need to be where they hang out. We manage your social media presence to make you stand out from your competition and be the go to choice for clients.

Blog & Content Management

It's essential to be in constant contact with your clients and add value to them so you stay top of mind and maintain your expert status in their world. By consistently publishing valuable content online and via email, they will continue to think of you, value you and trust you. And search engines love to see new, fresh, valuable content. So the more you create, the higher you'll rank in the search engine results. This can take time, but if you leave it to us, we'll create high value, targeted content for you that will keep your clients wanting to hear from you and use you in the future.

Be channel-agnostic.

No matter where it started, Infinite Wave keeps it organized.

Chat with context.

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7 Step Plan to EXPLODE SALES with Online Marketing!

Awesome Words

from clients

Infinite Wave's unified inbox helps clients get to leads quicker so they don't lose business

Shannon H.

"Clients used to message me on several platforms and it wasn't uncommon for me to go weeks before seeing their messages. Now I see them instantly, in the same message thread, so I'm able to serve my clients quicker, and better."

Robert W.

"Infinite Wave helps me never miss another chat conversation with potential leads. It used to be a hassle finding client's messages, now it's easy and they're all in one place."

Awesome Words

from clients

Infinite Wave unified inbox helps clients get to leads quicker so they don't lose business

Shannon Hanrahan


"Clients used to message me on several platforms and it wasn't uncommon for me to go weeks before seeing their messages. Now I see them instantly, in the same message thread, so I'm able to serve my clients quicker, and better."

Robert Wills

AZ Plumber

"Infinite Wave helps me never miss another chat conversation with potential leads. It used to be a hassle finding customer's messages, now it's easy and they're all in one place."

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Turning ripples ~ into WAVES and leads into SALES - on autopilot!

We’re on a mission to empower agents and contractors to skyrocket their business on autopilot!